about me

Greetings. My name is Otto (or Oa) and this is my personal technology blog. I am a hobbyist repair technician, and general tech enthusiast. That’s right, a hoarder.

I created this blog in order to better understand the topics that I encountered whilst tinkering with various bits and pieces. Up until now I have gotten by knowing just enough about any given thing to just get by and achieve the desired result.

Unfortunately, although I tend to complete the tasks I set out to do: be it repair X device or piece Y software together. It is usually done by patchworking together other peoples solutions without really understanding the significance of the the underlying concepts at work.

This blog is as a means to remedy that. I find that the best way to learn is by trying to teach. It forces a person to articulate nebulous concepts and make them concrete. It does this by exposing holes in knowledge and understanding. Which then need to be consciously filled in order to present a cogent solution. That is as far as any guides or tutorials that I may post here goes.

That aside, I’ll also use this platform to gas on about anything that takes my interest; including industry critique, comparisons between various products, computer languages, or even reminiscing about the devices I grew up with. Essentially whatever I happen to feel like tippy-typing about.

Anywho, I hope you find some value in this pile of site.

If you wish to contact me for whatever raisin, please use the sites official email:


Thanks for reading. Init.